after care
After Care
Lip Filler Aftercare
Helpful Pre-care Advice
Many clients are concerned with having visible signs following dermal filler treatment. There are a few key steps you can take to help you both minimise visible bruising and swelling and recover as quickly as possible. The more closely you follow these steps, the faster you will recover and the fewer signs will be visible:
1. Avoid any blood thinners (e.g. alcohol, aspirin, Vitamin E, some herbal preparations and supplements) for 2 days prior to and 2 days after treatment. Thin blood results in increased risk of bruising, so help minimise bruising risk by avoiding anything that can thin your blood.
2. Take arnica tablets as follows: 2 tablets every 2 hours for 5 days prior to the treatment. The 30c potency are best.
3. You may wish to purchase the products mentioned in the next section PRIOR to your treatment so you don’t need to visit the chemist after treatment.
Protocol for resolving bruising and swelling
1. Hot compress: very hot water, soak clean cloth, wring out very tight, lay over the face so that the heat and steam goes to the face. Repeat several times, ideally every 2 hours if possible.
2. Benadryl Allergy Relief (containing acrivastine): Available in Superdrug, works in 15 minutes, take as instructed.
3. Arnica cream: Available in Superdrug, apply generously before going to bed, will help resolve bruising.
Dermal Filler Aftercare Advice
Immediately after treatment, there may be slight redness, swelling, tenderness and an itching sensation in the treated area. This is a normal result of the injection. The inconvenience is temporary and generally disappears in a few days. If it continues or if other reactions occur, please call us.
The initial swelling after lip treatment may last longer. Some patients experience swelling for about a week and the lips can look somewhat uneven during this time. This means that the results directly after the treatment should not be seen as the final result.
Avoid touching the treatment area 6 hours after the treatment. After that the area can be gently washed with soap and water and light make-up can be applied.
Until the initial swelling and redness have resolved, do not expose the treated area to intense heat (e.g. solarium and sunbathing) or extreme cold.
If you have previously suffered from facial cold sores, there is a risk that the needle punctures could contribute to another eruption of cold sores.
If you are using aspirin or any similar medication, be aware that these may increase the bruising and bleeding at the injection site.
How long will a treatment last?
Dermal fillers are long lasting but not permanent. You always have a choice to continue or change the combination of treatments – and the procedure can be repeated as often as you like.
Most patients choose to have a follow-up treatment 6 – 12 months after an initial treatment of wrinkles. When the lips have been treated a follow-up is normally needed after about 6 months.
A touch-up treatment within 2 – 4 weeks after the initial treatment may be necessary to achieve an optimal correction.
Plasma Aftercare
Aftercare following a Plasma Pen treatment is straightforward and mostly common sense. If you pay for an incredible treatment yet will fully ignore the strict instructions your technician will fully brief you on – perhaps by choosing to go on a sunbed the next day – you will clearly imperil the outcome.
Very, very few clients ever experience complications of any kind with Plasma Pen. Our device is known to deliver compressed downtimes, higher velocity recovery and superior results. Any rare complications or effects will not be caused by the device (and unlikely by the technician either) but more likely because an existing contraindication or medical issue was not revealed and/or because a client fails to comply with their aftercare management plan. Deferred aftercare and/or aftercare with incorrect products are often the chief culprits where a negative aspect of any kind occurs.
Aftercare will be discussed with you before and after your treatment. Printed information will also be provided by your technician who will, more than likely, follow-up with you regularly for post-treatment consultations.
However, based on thousands upon thousand of treatments around the world, these are some of our recommendations, top tips, best practices and advice to consider in your own personal aftercare regime:
• Wait until your scabs have fallen off. You may resume activities immediately after any Plasma Pen treatment but may not look your complete best during the healing process (usually 3 to 7 days)
• The formation of brown/black crusts on the skin surface will occur. Do not pick pick them – these crusts will fall off in a few days
• For the first night or two, you apply solution given for home care, also you may wish to sleep on your back to avoid brushing your face on your pillow
• Keep your scabs/crusts dry, do not wet for first 2-3 days and then moist with cream recommended by your therapist up to three times per day. This will provide relief from any tendency to itch and expedite the healing process
• Keep the area clean using lukewarm boiled water and do not use alcohol based cleansers
• Occasional weeping will settle
• There may be some swelling, redness and inflamation – especially around the eyes and periorbital region. Swelling for 1 to 5 days post-treatment is normal but is usually of a very minor nature and to be expected. Post-treatment downtime and recovery from Plasma Pen is frequently shown to be superior to treatment with other devices
• The treatment may be moderately uncomfortable and sensitive depending on where you are being treated – especially eyelid procedures where the skin is at its thinnest. Our device and our super-fine probes allow technicians to work more quickly and efficiently which minimises potential discomfort for you but this all depends on your own sensitivities and tolerances to start with
• The area treated must not be covered with plasters, occlusive dressing or any type of make-up, mascara, creams or any other product until the area has fully healed (except specific products we recommend and which are available both from us/your technician)
• After any kind of facial treatment, especially around the eyes, we recommend using aloe vera masks to prevent inflammation by soothing and reducing swelling
• Taking Vitamin C supplements over the course of your healing process can give your immune system a big boost which will help you to repair. Anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine medication can also help
• Consider the use of topical anti-oxidants to fight sun damage such as a Vitamin C serum. The use of citrus juice, aloe vera and soy are cited by some as good ingredients for preventing hyperpigmentation
• Avoid smoking
• Men should avoid shaving over any area that has been treated until the skin has fully healed
• On top of the immediate rejuvenation, lifting and tightening effects, you will likely experience from Plasma Pen, it takes 8 to 12 weeks for the full effects of your treatment to be seen.
• If additional treatments are required, it will be necessary to wait until the skin completely heals (12 weeks). If you have any questions or concerns,
• Once the crust will come off ,the skin will be still sensitive with little pink colour. You must use factor 50 sunscreen when out and about for at least 12 weeks and you should avoid sunbath.
• We supply technicians with a tinted aftercare product which is designed to safely camouflage treated areas but we don’t recommend oily skinned clients use this as they will already heal slower and this could inhibit their recovery period further
• It is highly unlikely you will ever get an infection from a Plasma Pen treatment as the wound we cause isn’t open. However, with any skin rejuvenation treatment, we are not in control of what you do when you leave and you should be aware that the first 12 hours is always the period of risk for you to get any kind of infection so please avoid activities where you could get dirty!
• We recommend not exercising straight after a treatment because any heat, steam or sweat could add to the inflammation that’s already present
• Treated area shouldn’t be exposed on the sun for min 2 months and min spf 50 needs to applied every day to prevent iperpigmentation..
• Fallowing treatment if necessary can not be earlier than 2 months.
• Final result will be visible after 2-3 months when the skin is completely healed. The result is very due to skin type and sometimes 2-4 treatment is recommended.
before treatment
Before treatment
Permanent Lips Make-up
Before making a permanent make-up, the lips should be properly prepared for treatment. Lips are very delicate and prone to infection. During the treatment the epidermis is affected, which may activate herpes. Therefore, antiviral specimen eg Aclovir should be taken for 2 days before and 3 days after the treatment. It will help prevent your lips from developing herpes. The drug should be taken only after consultation with a doctor. The drug is issued on prescription. Before the treatment, take care of the perfect moisturising and nourishing of the lips. A well moisturised skin makes it easier to absorb pigment.
Permanent lip makeup is not a lip-enhancing treatment. The procedure is performed within the labial red. The large asymmetry of the mouth, the disproportion, can only be corrected by the aesthetic medicine doctor.
Permanent Eyebrows Make-up
Please avoid any eyebrow treatment such as tint or brow lamination at least 4 weeks before. You can shape your eyebrows no later than 2 days before the treatment. If you have any skin problem ,before you book appointment ,you need to contact your technician to make sure ,the skin is suitable.
Avoid alcohol and caffeine at least 24h before the treatment.
Sun bed and self tan on face need to avoided minimum 4 weeks.
Immediately after the treatment the skin may be slightly swollen or red. It is a transitional state that passes quickly. Permanent eyebrows immediately after the treatment are more expressive. They may seem exaggerated. Remember that within 7 days after the treatment the epidermis will peel off and make-up will become brighter by about 50%.
Permanent Eye Make-up
Do not dye your eyelashes with henna within a few days before the treatment. When you decide for eyeliner remember to take off eyelashes at least a week before the treatment. Customers wearing contact lenses are asked to take a lens container with them. They should be pulled out before the treatment. During treatment contact lenses may damage the retina of the eye!
If you want the brows to heal up evenly and the final result to be satisfactory, keep in mind this aftercare advice. Remember that the care after the procedure is just as important as the procedure itself.
It’s important to follow the specialist’s recommendations.
It’s normal for the color to be more intense right after the procedure and the pigmented area to be reddened, and it’s not a reason to panic.
Day 1
On the first day after the procedure the brows might seem dark and overdrawn.
Don’t panic, it’s temporary
Day 1-3
Wipe your brows wet thoroughly twice a day with the hairs and against the hairs to remove the excess of the plasm and prevent it from forming a thick scab. Wash them with distilled water, injection water or boiled water and a cotton swab. Your brows might itch slightly. You may also experience some feeling of pulling.
Attention! Remember to maintain hygiene. Don’t apply cosmetic products to your brows. When you apply a fluid foundation or a concealer avoid the brow area.
Day 4
The brows start peeling at the end and at the beginning of the brow. The itching is a normal reaction. Don’t scratch the scab! Start moisturizing your brows with a skincare product. Apply a thin layer of the product to your cleaned up brows with a Q-tip. The fronts of the brows should be subtle and transparent, you shouldn’t see a well-highlighted
Day 5-7
Don’t panic if you see a difference in color between the scab and the effect in the area where the scab has already fallen off. Remember that the permanent make-up is supposed to highlight the brows subtly. It’s not a form of intense evening make-up
Day 7-8
The scab shouldn’t be visible anymore. If you see any remains of it, apply a tiny bit of the product and rub it in with a Q-tip in the area of the scab. Don’t scratch it off, wash the brows gently. If the brows are reddened or the pigment seems warmer than the expected result, remember that the skin is still healing. The final, ultimate color will be visible 4 weeks after the day of the pigmentation.
1. During the healing process avoid sun beds, sun, saunas and swimming pools. Don’t scratch the scab. Scratching may cause forming of a scar. Allow the brows to heal themselves. Keep in mind the fact that a permanent make-up procedure is an invasive procedure during which the epiderm gets broken into.
2. Follow the specialist’s after care recommendations. Don’t look for information on internet forums. If you have any questions, start with contacting the person who has performed the procedure.
3. Don’t apply cosmetic products to the pigmentation area. It may cause an infection of the pigmented zone. It’s very important to wash the brows in the first few days after the pigmentation! Don’t let the scab to form on the brows. Wipe the brows wet with the hairs and against the hairs. Don’t pat the plasm in, wash it down thoroughly.
4. Don’t panic if the brows are reddened or the pigment seems warmer than the expected effect, remember that the skin is still healing. The final, ultimate color will be visible 4 weeks after the pigmentation.
5. Don’t forget about the correction procedure which will allow evening up of the brow color and, if it’s necessary, saturating of the brows. The correction procedure should be performed 4-7week after the first procedure.
The final result is depends on the skin In very rare occasion the retention of the color might be very poor and if there is no big improvement after correction it meas your skin reject the pigment as the